Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Wolfe's Pond Park

Wolfes Pond Park Entrance Sign

Wolfe's Pond Park is a large NYC Parks Department park in the South Shore of Staten Island. The entrance to the park is on Hyland Blvd. Wolfe's Pond is a great place to take the family for the day. There is a large parking area that does sometimes fill up on the weekend and holidays. There is street side parking on the entrance road if parking is not available in the lot.

Wolfes Pond's Large Open Sports Field

There is lots of room to spread out to play football, have a catch, or fly a kite in the strong breeze coming off the water. Most evenings during the spring this field is filled with youth sport teams having practice.

Tree Covered Trail Going From Park To Hyland Blvd

There are beautiful walking paths through the woods. Lots or birds singing in the trees. The shade is cool on a hot summer day. As soon as you enter the path the temperature drops several degrees.

Picture Of Wild Deer At Wolfes Pond Park Staten Island

Deer are frequently spotted in the woods of the park. You will most likely see one or two during your walk.

Walking Through The Trail At Wolfes Pond Is Like Entering A Different World

 The trail between Wolfes Pond and Hyland Blvd is like walking through a different world. Listening to the birds singing and the fresh smell of vegetation will soon let you forget you are in NYC. 

There are many side trails off the main trail to explore. They take you off to the quieter parts of the park. You will see many birds and other wild animals.

The sunlight coming through the trees is beautiful and the trees provide needed shade on a hot summers day!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Best way to make your Fitbit Versa watch battery stay charged

I love my Fitbit Versa Smartwatch. I have had it for about 6 months now and rarely take it off my wrist. The exception to that, is when i need to charge it. My Versa watch generally lasts around 8 days or so. Fitbit emails me letting me know my battery is low and it's time to recharge. I also get a notification on my android phone.

Re-charging the battery is the only problem with a smart watch. I like to sleep with my watch on to get the benefit of sleep monitoring. I end up keeping it on 24 hours a day! Every time I have to recharge the battery, I forget to put it back on. I always end up leaving it in the charging cradle for a couple of days.

The other day I was just about to get into the shower and as usual removed my watch. Yes, it is waterproof and I could keep it on, but for some reason I always take it off. I suddenly thought "Hey, this is the perfect time to charge my watch!" So I ran upstairs to get the charging cradle and brought it into my bathroom. Why not charge my watch everyday while I'm in the shower!! Brilliant!!

So now everyday before getting into the shower I put my versa into the charging cradle. Its been working great. It charges about 15% in the 10-15 minutes it takes to shave and shower. That is just about how much the versa uses during a day. Since I have started doing this routine with my watch I have not had to leave it overnight. Great news!
It has made my watch battery last much longer and is a great solution for everyone that has a smartwatch! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Staten Island Strong

Coming SOON. Staten Island Happenings. Things to do on Staten Island. The Parks, Hiking Trails, Museums, The Staten Island Ferry, Hopefully some restaurants. Plus, whatever else I can think of to put on this blog. I will be starting with my first post about Wolfes Pond Park in the next few days!